TK Consultants


What We Do

For Our Employers

Qualified Candidates

Our team specializes in finding the right professionals for you. We meet with all candidates to get a strong understanding of their skill set and career aspirations to ensure they fit into your company’s road map.

Employer Preparations

Before every interview our recruiters will give you an outline of the candidates requirements and what it takes to get them excited to join your team. ​We also send you a copy of the benefits comparison so you can clearly see where they are at financially and what you will need to offer in order to hire them. If they are outside of your range, we won’t schedule an interview so that no time is wasted on a dead end negotiation. ​We also let you know if they may be a good cultural and personality fit for your team.

Pay Negotiations

We cover all pay negotiations between clients and candidates. Before all first interviews our candidates get an idea of what the position range is and what is allowable given their previous pay and benefits. We do not allow candidates to move forward until we are 100% sure that they will accept the position within the parameters that you set.

Find Top Employees

Our team specializes in developing a network of professionals in our industry. We utilize a variety of strategies to find the right professionals to make sure we have the right technical fit. We meet with all clients and candidates to get a strong understanding of their personality and career aspirations. This is to ensure that their life goals are in line with your company’s roadmap.